

ATACR 4-16x42mm F1

$4,349.00 - $4,699.00
Allow 3-5 days for delivery, due to the cost and size of the Nightforce range, not everything is in stock for immediate shipment
  • We Own the Night

  • Based in Whangarei

  • Whangarei Repair Centre

The Nightforce ATACR 4-16x42mm F1 is the ideal optic for precision semi-automatic rifles. The compact and lightweight design coupled with exceptional optical clarity gives shooters the ability to quickly identify and engage multiple targets.

The Nightforce ATACR 4-16x42mm F1 was designed to meet the needs of precision semi-automatic shooters that demand pristine optics in a more compact package. The ZeroHold turret allows fast, precise adjustments with the ability to quickly and without fail return to zero and stay there in harsh environments.

The 12.6-inch length allows for ample room for weapons-mounted rangefinders, clip-ons, and any other mission-critical equipment for the modern shooter.